Wall-hangings are an easy way to fill a void on your walls with something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. They can be a single subject or they can be in sets of three, five or even more. They come in a multitude of colors and themes to suit any taste, as well as many different sizes.
Wall-hangings are made from canvas and are easy to clean. You can simply wipe them down with a soft, dry cloth and they’ll look like new. Because they are made out of cloth and are not painted on canvas, wall hangings can be washed or ironed with no ill effect to the design.
Wall-hangings often come in sets of three or five so that the same basic theme or pattern appears on each one but with a different focal point on each hanging. This can make a nice visual impact and provides several color choices. You can also vary the colors on each hanging if you wish.
Wall-hangings are often made of cotton or linen canvas. They are heavier than fabric such as linen so they will stand up to being stuffed with material when you are hanging items from them on the wall. They are easy to hang because they do not have a wire loop at the top, so you will only need strong long nails for hanging them up.
Another popular option for hanging wall-hangings is to hang them on a cord. This is nice because the cord can be easily removed for cleaning or if you decide to change the hanging arrangement later. To hang a wall-hanging on a cord, simply use an ornate picture hanger in the lower left corner of the wall hanging.
Since they are so light, it is best to use an especially large picture hanger or even a large wire hanger. The wire hanger can be bent so that it fits nicely into the upper left hand corner of the canvas as you look at it. You will have to use a large nail and hammer to nail into the wall, but this is easy enough since you only need a small hole in the wall. Hang one end of the wire hanger onto the nail and then take hold of some material from your wall hanging, such as a flower or leaf, and bunch it up.